Monday, December 17, 2007

Finlay Family Visit

On November 21st, Bob and El arrived in T&T for a visit, followed by Jenn on the 26th. It was great to see them and share our new life with them. Their visit included some touring around Port of Spain, a couple of games of golf for Bob, a (rather loud!) Parang party, lots of chats, nice dinners and another visit (for Katie) to Tobago.

Here is Kate and El at the lookout by Maracas Beach - the closest beach to POS and arguably the most popular beach in Trinidad. Although they went during the week, so it wasn't too busy. But it was still a beautiful day on the beach!

Enjoying a nice dinner at our house:

The Finlay foursome at our favourite restaurant, Paprika:

The Finlay's went to Tobago on Thursday and Stu joined them on Friday night. This was the Villa we rented for the weekend. There were a couple more nice meals out on that nice big patio.

That's Jenny and Katie in the blue waters of Tobago. They had lots of time to catch up and it was nice for Kate (and Stu) to catch up on the pregnany and to meet Lilly. Although she was only the size of a spagetti squash, it was nice to get to know her!

The Finlay ladies on the way to Englishmen's Bay..... Eleanor, I know that this picture must seem a world away now that you're under a couple of feet of snow. You're welcome back anytime!!

Kate and I both really enjoyed having you guys down here. Thanks for coming and hopefully we'll see you again down in the warm climate of Trinidad!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Visitors and Tobago

Tobago has been a common theme lately - Kate was there with her friends Nat and Tara, we were there with the Finlay family (another post to come shortly), and we're getting ready to spend Christmas over there with the Dickson clan.

Nat and Tara were down from November 10th to the 18th and we had a great time with them. There was lots of nice dinners, some partying (we had to check out the clubs here in Port of Spain!) and general exploring of both Trinidad and Tobago.

Here we were enjoying some wine and appy's at a nice wine bar here in Port of Spain called More Vino:

Here are the ladies enjoying the Nylon Pool near the world famous Bucco Reef in Tobago:

Another beach the girls enjoyed in Tobago:

We also did a tour of the Caroni swamp. I know what you're thinking, this isn't the kind've place that Kate, Nat and TP would hang out in, but it was quite impressive. Any ornithologists out there would really enjoy this place.

We saw hundreds, if not thousands of birds. They all spend the day over in Venezula and then come back to this swamp to sleep. There were primarily two types of birds that we saw, the Scarlet Ibis and the Egrett. The Scarlett Ibis is the national bird of T&T and is a stunning colour of red.

I'm not sure if you're going to be able to see it over the net, but it was absolutely amazing how many birds are nesting in the trees on the island. In the 30 minutes we were waiting and watching, there were at least 500 birds that came to nest.

On the last weekend that the girls were here we also went to a Pan Yard to see some Parang and steel pan music. Parang is a type of music that is performed here around Christmas time by a small group consisting of voices and very basic instruments (like the bass box!).

Below is the steel band that we saw:

It was great to have Natty and TP down for the week as our first visitors all the way from Canada. Thanks for coming, guys. Sorry you had to go back to the cold weather! In case you're wondering, it's still about 28 degrees here - everyday!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Since it started getting cold back home in Canada, we've had a few visitors down, so I haven't been able to get to our blog as regularly as I'd like. My apologies.

Back at the end of October we went up to the beautiful island of St. Lucia for a weekend. We had heard really great things about the island so we wanted to go. We'd also heard about a fun festival that was being organized by a friend of ours from here in T&T - The Second Annual Food and Rum Festival. So we decided to go over that weekend seeing as we like food and we like Rum!

St. Lucia is a really beautiful island. It is the second island we've been to (the first being Grenada) and we enjoyed it much more. Not sure if the weather played a part (we were in Grenada for Tropical Storm Felix!) or the festival, but it was really very nice.
There is a lot of development going on there - and a lot of high end developments - and it's clear to see why!

I'm going to let the pictures tell most of the story, but quickly our weekend consisted of:
  • An afternoon boat cruise sponsored by Appleton's rum which included lots of Jamaican rum, a great lunch at a nice resort and a viewing of the Piton's - two large spikey peaks - the island was formed from volcanic activity.

  • A wonderful dinner at a very fancy resort, cooked by Art Smith (Oprah's ex personal chef)
  • An afternoon tasting rums from all over the world and a nice dinner with friends from here on T&T that were also in St Lucia

  • A day on the beach

  • A hike up a hill to an old fort

  • Exploring the capital city, Castries (not very exciting, actually!)
And now for some pics....

The Pitons:

Rodney Bay:

This was where we waited for our flight, after checking in!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

New Office.....and a 7.3 Quake!

I think I told you earlier that we were moving our office to one of the newest, tallest buildings in Port of Spain. Well my group moved about a month or so ago. Although we don't yet have cubicles, proper desks or telephones with an outside line, it is a big improvement. The telephone line is supposed to come any day and proper desks and cubicle furniture should be here early in the new year.

Check out my old office (that I shared with Raul) ....

And now the new one......

Quite an improvement, wouldn't you say?! This is the view from my "desk".

We are on the 20th floor of the building so we have a great view of the entire city of Port of Spain. Of course, this also made for an interesting experience last Thursday when we experienced the largest earthquake ever recorded in the eastern caribbean. It was a 7.3 on the Richter scale and was centered deep below the French island of Martinique. This island is quite a way north of us, so it was pretty widespread being felt on most of the islands.

There was no significant damage here in Trinidad, but it was quite a traumatic experience being 20 floors up. The entire building was shaking for about a minute or so, and then it went for a big enough sway to open up the doors of the filing cabinet near my desk! That's when I followed the structural engineers out into the core of the building!

Like I said, there wasn't any major damage here in Trinidad and Tobago, so we're all OK.